Proposal management and shared evaluation
The objective of Work Package 4 is to offer researchers coordinated trans-national access “free of charge” to the ice covered Arctic Ocean on board the six ARICE European and international research icebreakers:
- PRV Polarstern, Germany
- IB Oden, Sweden
- RV Kronprins Haakon, Norway
- MSV Fennica, Finland
- CCGS Amundsen, Canada
- RV Sikuliaq, United States of America
Work Package 4 will manage the ARICE call for proposals for ship time, through which interested researchers apply for access to one of the icebreakers. This process includes: the advertisement of the calls, as well as the evaluation and selection of successful proposals. Additionally, the work package follows the process of cruise implementation on board the selected polar research vessels until the approval of the cruise report provided by the scientific team granted access to the ARICE vessels.
Proposals will be selected on an excellence-driven access mode, which is dependent on the scientific excellence, originality, quality and technical and ethical feasibility of an application evaluated through peer review conducted by external experts. Early-career scientists and scientists from countries where such facilities are lacking will be particularly encouraged to apply for ship time.
Work Package 4 is led by Alfred Wegener Institut (AWI).
Public Deliverables:
Dr. Veronica Willmott Puig